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Immopartner awarded global affiliate of the year

11 febbraio 2020

Immopartner awarded global affiliate of the year - Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate members from across the globe convene in Luxembourg for the 14th annual luxury real estate International Symposium.

Luxembourg — January 27, 2020

Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate recently hosted its 14th Annual Luxury Real Estate International Symposium on Tuesday, January 21st through the 23rd at Le Royal Hotel in Luxembourg. The event attracted top luxury real estate professionals, brokers and management from all over the world to exchange ideas, explore future business opportunities and generate global partnerships.

The International Symposium kicked off Tuesday with an inside look at the beautiful and historic Luxembourg City, guided by local host Lucien Douwes of Immopartner. Following the city tour, guests met back at the hotel to enjoy networking over drinks and hors d’oeuvres during the welcome reception.

The conference program commenced Wednesday with featured speaker Paloma Castro Martínez who explored and examined a range of luxury brands, product distinctions, the three principles of luxury and the art of luxury living. She also touched on her three pillars of the future of luxury brands, inclusivity, sustainability and women empowerment.

Attendees also heard from LRE® member led discussions covering the ‘Best Practices for Getting New Listings,’ ‘The Sharing Economy and its Impact on Real Estate’ and ‘Best Practices for Effective Marketing.’ In the evening, members made their way to Brasserie Schuman for a lively night of networking, cocktails and Luxembourg specialties.

Thursday morning, featured speaker Jean-Paul Scheuren, President of The Real Estate Chamber of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (CIGDL), who discussed the forefront of industry trends and shared insights on real estate investments and economics. After a brief networking break, the program continued with a presentation on luxury event marketing followed by a discussion on the upcoming year and beyond.

In the late afternoon, Lucien Douwes, Immopartner, hosted a property tour of two exceptional properties; an in-city oasis formerly owned by the Luxembourgish Royal Family as well as a Modern masterpiece located outside the city. During the tour, Lucien was presented with this year’s Global Affiliate of the Year Award for having greatly leveraged his global relationships for the benefit of his business, the network and the greater real estate community.